There’s a unique kind of grief that settles in long before we’re ready to say goodbye. It’s that ache in our hearts when we see our furry family members start to slow down, the changes that come with age, or when we know the time we have left with them is shorter than we’d like. This is called "anticipatory grief,” a complex mix of love, sadness, and the fear of what’s to come.
For pet families with senior pets, every day can feel bittersweet. You find yourself cherishing the moments more deeply, and bargaining with the powers that be for just one more summer, or one more rally, even one more day. You know these moments won’t last forever, and that thought alone can be incredibly heavy.
But anticipatory grief isn’t just about sadness. It’s about love. It’s about honouring the bond you have and understanding that this part of the journey, as hard as it is, is just as significant as all the joyful years that came before. This period gives us the opportunity to shower our pets with all the love and comfort they deserve. It’s a time to celebrate the life you’ve shared, to spoil them with their favorite treats, and to make them feel safe and cherished, just as they’ve always made us feel.
One of the most difficult things about anticipatory grief is the uncertainty. We wonder if we’re doing enough. Are we giving them the best care? Are they in pain? Are we making the right choices? It’s okay to have these questions. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. What’s important is that we give ourselves grace and lean on those who understand this unique kind of heartache.
I’ve met many families who’ve gone through this—each story is different, but the emotions are often the same. There’s a quiet strength in facing the reality that our time is limited, in holding space for both the joy of the present and the sorrow of what’s to come.
To those who are in the midst of this right now, know that you’re not alone. It’s okay to grieve even before the final goodbye. It’s okay to cry, to laugh, to feel relief, to feel anything and everything in between. This journey, as raw and real as it gets, is a testament to the deep love you have for your pet.
Take it one day at a time. Let yourself feel everything that comes with this part of loving and letting go. And remember, there’s no right or wrong way to prepare for the inevitable. There’s only your way, the way that feels true to you and honours the beautiful bond you’ve shared together.
We’re here for you, always, to listen, to support, and to hold space for the love and the grief that comes with caring for a senior pet. Because they’re family, and family means everything.